assignment for Salvatore Cordova's experimental game lab.

features are as seen in physics, with the following additions:

  • - the thing has a title now! i'd like to take it somewhere, eventually
  • - main menu, level select, and pause screens implemented
  • - scene transitions added
  • - post-processing effects implemented

note: other assignment criteria e.g. looping, instantiation, objects created at runtime, object interactions, etc. were already present, so I focused mostly on UI this week, and want to build up behavioral contrast as I continue to build future levels. :)

It's recommended to download and run a desktop version instead of running in your browser!


Windows Executable 32 MB
MacOS App 41 MB

Install instructions

Windows Users: simply download, unzip, and launch the .exe file inside.

MacOS Users: download, unzip, and run the app. If it fails to open, then place the .app file on your desktop. Open the terminal app and type the following into terminal, with each new line meaning you hit enter:

chmod -R 777 (crittergame_mac_0.4).app

This is because Unity apps built on Windows cannot be natively assigned the required app permissions baked into MacOS.

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